013 may be unlucky for some, but not The Dead Daisies! After playing a sold out show in Zoetermeer last night, the second show in the Netherlands at 013 Poppodium in Tilburg was near its full capacity by the time the band opened with ‘Resurrected’. Full of energy from the get go, John, Doug, David, Brian and Michael kicked off the same way they finished as the adrenalin pumped into them. With crowd favourites like ‘Make Some Noise’ and ‘Long Way to Go’ exploding off the stage, the fans were noisy and enthusiastic all night!
‘You like your beer here’ shouted Corabi, which was met with a huge enthusiastic roar, ‘Do you want some Tequila?’ he shouted as the band tore into ‘Mexico’, the answer was an enthusiastic YES! Once again, the band left an audience wanting more, they would have stayed all night if it was possible! Next up, it’s the first show in Scandinavia, home of the Vikings when the band plays Copenhagen!
Additional photos by Christian Avat, Hans Hietbrink, Harold Jansen, Sylviane Plety, Albert Jolen, Patrick Lelieveld-Sakai, Sandra Bakker, Annet At Arnhem, Dutchrose Studio Photography, Stel La, Dirk van den Heuvel, Marco Epi, Stephanie Reitz, Harma van der Werf, Lenn Photography