“Something I said” added to Total Rock Radio A list


More great news for “Something I Said”! After being added to the  ‘A’ list of Planet Rock Radio in the UK, the song how now been added to Total Rock Radio’s A List too.

Total Rock is a radio station based in London, England. The station first started in 1997 as Rock Radio Network (RRN), changing name to TotalRock in 2000. ‘Something I Said’ will spearhead a campaign to promote The Dead Daisies winter headline tour of the UK, which is already selling fast. When reflecting on the creation of the record Dizzy said “Richard used to play this riff all the time in the back of the tour bus, it was a great riff! It has a little R’n’B, a little bit of the Faces with some Led Zep influences right there in the middle.”


Deki“Something I said” added to Total Rock Radio A list