
After a well earned rest, the band landed in Nottingham ready to start all over again. After a short window of time spent at the hotel, the bus took John, Doug, David, Michael and Tommy to the best named venue in the UK… ROCK CITY!!

As the bus pulled up, it was easy to spot a few hundred Rock fans in Daisies t-shirts, clad in denim and leather and hanging about outside the venue front steps, including some fans who had traveled from the US for the gig!

With a customary warm up performance in the dressing room done, it was time to head to the stage. As the intro music blasted out front, the lights faded to black and the crowd started to create a very loud cheer. Before you knew it, the signature guitar sound of Doug Aldrich erupted out of the sound system as the band launched into the title track of the new album ‘Light ‘Em Up’! That was followed up by most of the packed crowd jumping in time to the growling riff of ‘Rise Up’ and then the killer track that is ‘Dead and Gone’, not a bad way to start a show!

Once Tommy Clufetos had smashed the hell out of his drum kit for the drum solo, the big numbers continued all the way to the end. ‘Long Way to Go’ and a guitar bursting version of The Beatles ‘Helter Skelter’ brought the lights down on another bombastic night of epic Rock! Next up, it’s Wolverhampton’s turn!

Additional photos by Atsuko Kuniyoshi, Dan Mann, Matt Ellis, Alison Lee, Chris Tennison, Dave Ellerby, Ginny Rootes, Graeme Foster, Jimmy B Smith, Jules Carley, Maxine Bennett, Michael Old, Natalie Mrdn, Stuart Douglas, Stuart Williamson