The rock rolls on! German audiences have always been very accepting to the Daisies’ brand of no bullshit Rock’n’Roll, and we’re thankful for that. Leipzig last night was no exception: Loud singalongs, a whole room grooving together and a LOT of smiling faces. And since Germany is experiencing a Californian summer, everybody – really everybody – was soaking wet afterwards. Hell, even having a look at the city during the day and hanging around before the show made everyone sweat!
But isn’t it great, being at a Rock show – and really feeling it and going for it? Right, same for us! So thanks once again to all our friends for old and new coming to the Hellraiser. We hope to be back next time around! In the meantime, enjoy some cool pics from the day, backstage and on stage!
Coming up next is a litte change of pace: a FREE acoustic show at the Hard Rock Cafe Hamburg (on stage 9pm), before we play the Harley Days on Friday!