A few months back we ran an exclusive competition to win a holiday for two in Mexico. Ken O’Conner and his partner Aileen were the lucky couple.
Here’s what Ken had to say about the trip.
“The best part of the holiday was escaping from the daily grind to an absolutely beautiful country with amazing people.
Rather obviously the soundtrack to the holiday was The Daisies tune Mexico, which we listened to during the build up, the plane and then on almost permanent loop in our room as we celebrated the experience.
We were treated like royalty from the moment we arrived until it was time to go. The local people and hotel staff just could not do enough for us. Cocktails, amazing food, sunshine and snorkeling made this a trip of a lifetime.
I would just like to say to the band – Thanks guys for such an awesome experience, Mexico is an amazing place and we’ll definitely be back. I look forward to seeing and meeting the band in December at their Manchester show. Rock on!”