HOT-LANTA, what was THAT! Over the years we’ve sure had our share of sweat-dripping rock shows, but last night was next level stuff!
Rocking The Masquerade yesterday was like having a BBQ inside a volcano: Smoking hot and dangerously fun!
But that’s the way we like it! Thank you all for coming out and making this another unforgettable evening on this awesome trip!
And as always, it’s so great seeing you guys bring your kids out to these shows! Getting to play a young rocker’s first concert is always a very special experience and we’re humbled to have had the honor at so many shows on this tour.
By the way, it’s been super cool having our awesome tour buddies The Dives on the plane with us. We should definitely do this more often, good times!
Next up: The Basement East in John’s hometown Nashville tonight! Heads up: We’ve got 50 wristbands for tonight’s signing session. Be quick and get yours at the door! See you at the show!